Email marketing VS newsletter
Sending emails to your customers or subscribers is an action of digital communication . It has several objectives and depending on the desired goal we will talk about email marketing campaign or from newsletter .
Email marketing
Email marketing denotes creation and sending emails to your list of customers allowing you to market, prospect or build loyalty.
It aims to generate conversions.
It also allows to increase your notoriety by making you known and improving your digital image by placing you as an expert in your field of activity.
Newsletter is a rather informative email sent regularly to your subscribers to keep in touch, promote your new products or inform about trends.
A newsletter gives the image of an active and dynamic site.
It allows you to share your news but also to inform your readers. It can also be downloaded directly from your website.
Emailing and newsletter : two different names, two different functions.
Content, sending frequency, target … Discover the best use of these 2 methods of digital communication.
Keep in touch
with your customers
Email marketing:
a pillar of the digital marketing strategy
Generate sales by enticing your customers to visit the pages of your website? This is the primary objective of e-mailing campaign .
At each stage of your relationship with your client, an email marketing campaign is interesting.
Emailing campaigns are used more and more, it is the most generalized marketing support. Email is currently the first commercial lever to achieve conversions.
The performance of email marketing as a lever for activation, engagement and loyalty can be exceptional! But be careful to master the best practices and intelligently exploit all the possibilities offered by the software of sending emailing . These software are numerous on the market, among the best known: MailChimp, Sendinblue, Mailjet …
An emailing campaign consists of 4 stages:
Discover the 4 steps
- Choose the emailing software best suited to their business, comparing them and analyzing the main differences between each.
- Good campaign management: be familiar with good practices when creating emailing marketing campaigns will allow you better performance.
- Master the email design : the visual design of an email is a harder exercise than it seems. Your visual will have to adapt to all screen sizes or to the different mailboxes of your recipients.
- Good analyze performance : deliverability , openings or clicks rate… All this data is essential to measure the effectiveness of your emailing campaigns.
Remember: it will take barely 3 seconds for your customer to decide whether or not to open your email …
3 seconds
This is the time it will take your client
to make the decision
to open or not your email.
The newsletter, what’s the difference?
Unlike the emailing campaign , newsletter sent regularly to your subscribers allows you to keep in touch with them and informs them of news concerning your activity, it is a communication tool consisting of sending information by e-mail to a list of recipients.
Its primary objective is not to generate conversions. Internet users come to your site and if the services or products you offer interest them they can subscribe to your newsletter .
Newsletter campaigns have a great reach, at a lower cost and the results are fast. A newsletter must be sent on a regular basis: quarterly, monthly, weekly or even daily. The frequency of sending will generally depend on the content highlighted in the newsletter.
The newsletter benefits as a communication tool are numerous:
- Solution easy to establish
- Very good return on investment
- Excellent information and loyalty
- Real leverage to generate future sales
Swiss File:
your ally in your email campaigns
Swiss Lime works with all the major email platforms. We define the digital strategy most appropriate to your professional activity and realize templates in line with your graphic charter. We use tracking tools that allow you to analyze each of your newsletters .
Swiss Lime will be your indispensable ally in setting up a digital marketing strategy that will adapt to your business. For information purposes, with a view to making sales or for the loyalty of your customers, we will guide you in the creation, the implementation and the sending of your emailing campaigns.
Our offices are located at Carrefour de Rive in Geneva. The Swiss Lime team is at your disposal to help you improve your digital marketing even further. Ask us for a quote.